
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/04/20 06:08:01
网上购物: 许多商家进入网络,为顾客提供网上购物服务。通过上网,您便可以坐在家里,在网上采购物品且享受的都是上门服务。


网上旅游 你可以进入各个国家的有关站点,不出家门就可以游览天下名山大川、江海湖泊、名胜古迹。

网上交友 你可以将自己的性格、爱好、特长等方面的资料发送上网,寻找可以面对面但远隔千里的网上朋友。

网上募捐 你或你的朋友如遇有什么困难,需要别人帮助,可在网上发布求助信息,你可得到来自世界各地人们的帮助支持。

网络游戏 网络休闲.....
查找资料 不用去求人,自己可以动手查找。

The advantage of the network

Shopping on the net: Many company's houses enters the network, providing for the customer net top shopping service.Pass the internet access, you can sit then at home, buying the product and enjoying on the net of is all to come the service.

News on the net:You can pass network news column eyes, understanding the domestic and international and latest news.

Travel on the net you can enter each national relevant stands to order, don't out the family and then can sight-see the world famous mountains and great rivers, river sea lake, famous spot historic monument.

Making friends on the net you can own personality, love, the data of special features etc. sends out the internet access, looking for can face to face but far the net of a long distance of last friend.

Raise you on the net or your friend if meet what difficulty, need other people help, can announce to ask for help the information on the net, you can get the help that come from the world-wide locations people the support.

Network game network leisure.....
Check to seek the data need not ask others for help, the oneself can begin to check to seek.
A words" the advantage of internet access many" of the gross
The bad place was in addition to idling away person's time with injure the person healthyly the nothing important

这种题怎么也的悬赏 100以上 不然谁来译阿