
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/04/28 20:32:40

自驾游,即自驾车旅游,它是一种时尚的旅游方式。自驾游,顾名思义,就是驾驶者自己驾车去旅游,其最大好处就是自由,自行决定想去的旅游地点,自己安排旅程的长短和出、归的时间,自己掌握旅费的开支……一切都是自己做主。同时,自驾车旅游又是一项极具挑战的运动,它考验驾驶者的驾驶技术等诸多方面的素质,是一项特殊的体育运动。 自驾游始于西中国自驾游方兴未艾。改革开发二十多年来,我国经济建设快速发展,人均GP已达到二OO五年的约1500美元,为旅游消费的扩大奠定了坚实的经济基础。同时,在全国连续多年开展黄金旅游周的基础之上,广大消费者已不满足于传统的旅游消费形式,在中国的大地上,自己驾车旅游悄然兴起。近年来,这种时尚的旅游方式,刚一被大众接受,就以它强大的生命力,正在成为势不可挡的旅游新潮流。从去年(2005年)十一黄金旅游周开始,在全国出游的总人数之中(限黄金周),长途出游(300公里以上)的人数,已经有三成的游人选择了自驾游,成为中国旅游一道最亮丽的风景线,而在许多大城市周边的近、中程出游中,选择自驾游的人数占到七、八成之多,已成为中国旅游的主流方式。由此可见,中国自驾游的大潮已经来到,在中国旅游业的发展中,自驾游的方式正在取代传统的旅游方式,并正在演变为中国主流旅游方式,这将对中国现有旅游业产生深远的影响。

Along with the economic integration unceasing deepening, the global finance industry gradually steps onto the mixing industry management the path. At the same time, the international finance supervising and managing system also gradually changes from a minute industry supervising and managing to unification supervising and managing. In recent years, our country finance holding company also in abundance started to implement the mixing industry management, in addition to more and more hastened to ground Chinese the foreign capital financial organ supervising and managing need, our country minute industry supervising and managing system is facing the very big challenge. May see, the finance industry mixing industry management, unification supervising and managing already was ultimately. This article in the analysis international finance supervising and managing development new tendency foundation, unifies our country dividing industry supervising and managing to between the mixing industry management supervising and managing vacuum, the supervising and managing conflict, the department coordinates the difficulty big, the supervising and managing cost is high also the suppression innovation, is unable to guarantee the accurate prompt information disclosed and so on all sorts compatibility performance, from the supervising and managing idea, the supervising and managing system, the financial organ preparation, the supervising and managing mechanism preparation, the legal preparation and so on many stratification planes did not propose to our country finance supervising and managing system the suggestion which reforms to the unification supervising and managing direction. How will discuss our country in 2006 later the financial supervising and managing policy to adjust, thus better guard finance risk, promotion and guarantee entire finance industry and market economy health development.