
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/04/24 12:52:18
随着现代教育技术的发展, 对传统的教育观念、教育结构、教育手段、教法、教育形式进行了改革。多媒体进入课堂, 将现代教育技术带入了崭新阶段。今天多媒体技术等全面运用于大学物理大信息量教学,可以激发学生学习兴趣,渲染教学氛围, 构置特定的教学情境, 更重要的是可以有效地突破教学重难点,提高学生能力,收到事半功倍的效果。本文主要是在讨论了多媒体教学的优缺点基础上结合,物理学科中一堂物理课来讲述怎样更好的激发学生学习物理的兴趣,更好的提高教学效率。

With the development of modern education technology,people make reformation in the traditional conception , the structure ,the means and forms of education . Multimedia came into the classrooms and brings the modern educational technology into a brand new stage. Today, comprehensive application of multimedia technology in large-amount-information teaching in university physics , can stimulate students' interest in learning,up the teaching atmosphere , acquisite specific teaching environment。Furthermore it can effectively overcome teaching difficults to improve student ability, effective and efficient. This artical mainly discussed how to inspire the interests of students to physics and improve teaching efficiency in the basis of discussing the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia teaching conbined with a physics class .