秦凯面相如何:food engineering

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/06/03 05:10:59
如果老师要求写一个关于food engineering的文章,结合自己情况,我已经写了一个草稿,但是用的词感觉太初级了,大家给我点建议哦

食品工程是粮食、油料加工,食品制造和饮料制造等工程技术领域的总称Foodstuff Engineering is concerned with the production of foodstuffs, cooking oil and beverages
Foodstuff engineering involves food processing, food manufacturing, beverage manufacturing and tobacco trade etc. The development of the food industry will not merely promote the optimization and development of farming, food processing and animal husbandry resources, but play a more and more important role in those respects of offering various secure, nutritious and instant food to different crowds and improving people's nutrition absorption level, guaranteeing health and stabilizing society. With the improvement of the living standard, people pay more attention to the security, sanitation, nutrition, design and variety of food, which will present a higher request to food scientific and technical personnel. The adoption of new technology and process has proved the key not only to solve problems of population growth and food resource shortage but also to utilize natural resources, and produce high-quality, low-priced foodstuff. This discipline combines theories and technologies of food engineering closely with physics, chemistry, biotechnology, microbiology, agriculture engineering, chemistry engineering, light industry technology and engineering, computer and auto-control, management and systematic engineering, etc. The discipline should especially strengthen the development of food biotechnology, application study, study on the application of various kinds of engineering and information technology in food industry development and application of new materials, new processes, new technology, new equipment, and new products so as to rebuild the traditional food industry, fully excavate and utilize limited natural resources, reduce the production cost and increase economic efficiency.

This field is closely related to chemistry engineering, light industry technology and engineering, bioengineering, computer technology, control engineering, environmental engineering, agricultural engineering, material engineering, mechanical engineering, etc.