
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/05/20 02:01:27




Because we live inside the Milky Way, it is very hard for us to determine its shape and size. It is clearly planar, but estimating it's exact shape and our position inside it was not done until the early 20th century.
Not only do we have a bad angle, but we also have to deal with dust in the plane of the galaxy. This dust obscures our view of most of the Milky Way.

The Milky Way's shape was first determined through studying globular clusters
Globular clusters are spherical clusters of up to 106 stars (usually Pop II), typically outside the plane of the galaxy.
The distance to globular clusters is measured with Cepheid and RR Lyrae variable stars.
These variables change their brightness in a periodic way. Their outer layers are unstable, so they pulsate. As they expand and cool, the opacity drops, so light can escape more easily and the outer layers are no longer supported. As the star contracts, it heats up, and the opacity goes up. Thus the outer layers become more strongly supported, so the star begins expanding again.
The period of variation depends on the luminosity of the star. If we can measure the period and the apparent brightness, we can determine the distance.
Cepheids are high luminosity stars, so they can be seen out to great distances.
In measuring Cepheid and RR Lyrae distances in globular clusters, we find that they are centered on a point 8.5kpc (8500 pc) away, in the direction of Sagittarius. Shapley reasoned that this must be the center of the galaxy.
Strong radio sources (H2 clouds and ionized hydrogen regions) show the presence of spiral arms in our galaxy.
The Milky Way thus appears to be a spiral galaxy, and we are on one of the spiral arms.
From observations of our own and other spirals, we know that spirals have a central bulge, a disk, and a halo.
The disk has mainly Pop I stars. In addition, about 10% of the disk mass is in the form of gas and dust. Thus, there is active star formation in the disk.
Stars don't stay in spiral arms. The arms are waves of extra density in the gas of the disk. The Sun has moved in and out of spiral arms dozens of times.
Since there is extra gas, most star formation occurs in the arms. Since high luminosity O and B stars explode in a short time, they don't have time to leave the spiral arm. Thus, spiral arms are where all of the very brightest stars are.
The disk also has open clusters: loosely bound groups of young stars, like the Pleiades. These are probably stars that formed together and haven't yet dispersed.
Most of the 1011 stars in our galaxy are in either the disk or the bulge.
The halo has many fewer stars. Many halo stars are in globular clusters.
By looking at the main sequence cutoff (maximum age of the brightest main sequence stars), we find that most globular clusters are 1010 years old.
Halo stars orbit radially, while disk stars orbit in roughly circular orbits within the disk.
The bulge is a combination of young and old stars. Active star formation is occuring, but most of the stars are very old. Many old bulge stars (and globular clusters) have high metallicity, implying that star formation was very early and very active.


有个星系的代号是 NGC 4565,也被称作 Needle Galaxy。最先于 1785 被观测到。我们正好对着它的窄边,离我们大约3千万光年。

这个漂亮的螺旋形星系叫 Messier 83,离我们1千5百万光年,是我们银河系的二分之一大。其中螺旋形的臂清晰可见。



有个星系的代号是 NGC 4565,也被称作 Needle Galaxy。最先于 1785 被观测到。我们正好对着它的窄边,离我们大约3千万光年。

这个漂亮的螺旋形星系叫 Messier 83,离我们1千5百万光年,是我们银河系的二分之一大。其中螺旋形的臂清晰可见。


有个星系的代号是 NGC 4565,也被称作 Needle Galaxy。最先于 1785 被观测到。我们正好对着它的窄边,离我们大约3千万光年。

这个漂亮的螺旋形星系叫 Messier 83,离我们1千5百万光年,是我们银河系的二分之一大。其中螺旋形的臂清晰可见。