
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/06/06 06:57:35
(11)The__of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.
(12)The old lady has developed a__cough which cannot be cured completely in a short time.
(13)What the correspondent sent us is an__news report.
(14)Having had her as a professor and adviser,I can tell you that she is an__force who pushes her students to excel far beyond their own expectations.
(15)Some researchers feel that certain people have nervous systems particularly__to hot,dry winds,They are what we call weather sensitive people.
(16)Hurricanes are killer winds,and their__power lies in the physical damage they can do.
(17)In some countries,students are expected to be quiet and__in the classroom.
(18)In spite of the__economic forecasts,manufacturing output has risen slightly.
(19)Body paint or face paint is used mostly by men in literate societies in order to attract good health or to__disease.
(A)set aside(B)ward off(C)shrug off(D)give away
(20)The international situation has been growing__difficult for the last few years.
(21)The prisoner was__of his civil liberty for three years.
(22)Small farms and the lack of modern technology have__agricultural production.
(23)The Japanese scientists have found that scents__efficiency and reduce stress among office workers.
(24)All the students have to__to the rules and regulations of school.
(25)He__his head,wondering how to solve the problem.
(26)As soon as the boy was able to earn his oen living he__his parents’ strict rules.
(27)The helicopter__ a light phane and both pilot were killed.
(A)coincided with(B)stunmbled on(C)tumbled to(D)collided with
(28)To__ is to save and protect,to leave what we ourselves enjoy in such good condition that others may also share the enjoyment.
(29)Put on dark glasses or the sun will__you and you will not be able to see.
(30)In__times human beings did not travel for pleasure but to find a more favourable climate.


