梦到死人复活还说话:have you got any 笑话

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/05/21 05:55:46


的时候偶被那句:“还没好好的感受,醒着亲吻的温柔”感动得一塌糊涂 ̄和我们在同一

偶说:“很正常啊,女生嘛 ̄”mm嘿嘿说:“不过跳的是艳舞哦,而且我表妹很漂亮哦”
,偶们当时笑翻了。而且表情好陶醉哦 ̄ ̄偶唱的歌是陈小春的《神啊,救救我吧》,偶


以买很多化妆品,可以打扮自己 ̄MM不信,非要逼问我的真话。

的”mm“谁叫你写呢我就看 ̄变坏也是你的错跟我无关“---偶再吐血偶恐吓“我晕,
-偶吐血三升靠,现在的mm都是厦大毕业的 ̄ ̄
回答者:bccjh - 魔法师 五级 2-8 11:12



风卷残云,一会儿一半下肚了,突然间他发现在砂锅底躺着一只很小很小但皮毛已长全的小老鼠。一阵恶心,那人把吃下去的所有粉丝通通吐回了砂锅里。当他在那儿翻胃不已的时候,那绅士用很同情的眼光看着他, 说:“很恶心是吗?刚才我也是这样……”

这天,酒店老板正在大厅巡视。来了一乞丐上前说道:” 老板给个牙签行吗?”
老板给他一个打发走了。一会儿,又来一个乞丐,也是来要牙签的。 老板心想现在这乞丐怎么不要饭改要牙签了? 也同样给他一个打发走了,没过多旧,又来一个乞丐。
老板对他说:” 你也是来要牙签的吗?” 乞丐说:”有个人吐了,可我晚了一步,已经被前面两个乞丐把能吃的都吃了,现在只剩下汤了。你能给我个吸管吗?”

老大、老二乘坐飞机,老二晕机,不停呕吐。 一袋吐满, 老大只好去取袋子,等他回来时, 发觉全机人都在不停呕吐。 老大问其原因, 老二说:“我看到这只袋子也吐满了, 只好又喝进去了半袋, 结果他们就全吐了。”

偶小时侯吃饭不老实, 一老农为了教育我, 对我说: 六零年苦呀, 没饭吃, 抠出来的鼻涕球从来不扔的……

“您买些什么?” “我想买食。”
“哪儿有这样的规定?” “减价商品就是这样。”
男子与售货员磨了半天,售货员还是不同意卖给他。没有办法,男子只好回家把带来,才买到了食。 过了几天,男子又去这家商店买食。
“给我两盒食。” “我们有规定,您必须证明您有。”
“您买些什么?” “你把手伸进去就知道啦。”
售货员把手伸了进去: “是什么呀,粘乎乎的。”

《喝 痰》


《手 纸》

1.Henry and Mary had just got married, and everybody was enjoying their wedding party. There was plenty to eat and plenty to drink, and everybody was getting very merry, when a very thin, very young man came into the room. He looked at Mary sadly and accusingly, walked slowly towards her, kissed her lovingly and said, 'Why did you do it?'
Then he walked to the door and disappeared.
Nobody had ever seen the young man before--not even Mary.
2.Some of Nasreddin's old friends were talking about the young people in their town. They all agreed that old people were wiser than young people. Then one of the old men said, 'But young men are stronger than old men.'
All of them agreed that this was true, except Nasreddin. He said, 'No. I am as strong now as when I was a young man.'
'What do you mean?' said his friends. 'How is that possible? Explain yourself!'
'Well,' said Nasreddin, 'in one corner of my field there is a rock. When I was a young man I used to try to move it, but I couldn't because I was not strong enough. I am an old man now, and when I try to move it ,I still cannot.'

One day a beautiful young lady went to a famous artist and said, 'I want you to paint a picture of me. How much will it cost?'
'Five hundred pounds,' said the artist.
'Oh?' said the lady. 'That is a lot of money.' Then she thought that, as she had a very beautiful body, the artist might be happy to paint her picture more cheaply if she wore no clothes while he was painting it. So she said, 'And how much will it cost if you paint me without any clothes on?'
The artist thought for a moment. 'One thousand pounds,' he then said. 'But I shall have to keep my socks on, because my feet get cold; and I shall have to wear something to put my brushes in.'
A Illinois man left the snow-filled streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida. His wife was on a business trip and was planning to meet him there the next day. When he reached his hotel, he decided to send his wife a quick e-mail. Unable to find the scrap of paper on which he had written her e-mail address, he did his best to type it in from memory. Unfortunately, he missed one letter and his note was directed instead to an elderly preacher’s wife whose husband had passed away only the day before. /when the grieving widow checked her e-mail, she took one look at the monitor, let out a piercing scream, and fell to the floor in a dead faint. At the sound, her family rushed into the room and saw this note on the screen: DEAREAST WIFE: JUST GOT CHECKED IN. EVERYTHING PREPARED FOR YOUR ARRIVAL TOMORROW.



A man called his doctor's office for an appointment. "I am sorry,"
said the receptioist,"we can't fit you in for at least two weeks."
"But I could be dead by then!"
"No problem. If your wife lets us know, we'll cancel the appointment."
The Irishman and the Boot-maker

An Irishman once sent for a boot-maker, and gave orders for a pair of boots. When his measure was taken, he told him that, as one of his legs was bigger than the other, the boots must be made accordingly. As soon as they were sent home, he put the big boot on the small leg, and after trying in vain the small boot on the big leg. He fell into a great passion, and wrote to the poor boot-maker the following letter: "Oh! You thief! I ordered you to make one boot bigger than the other, but instead of that, you have made me one smaller than the other!"


Ali,who was working a long way from home,wanted to send a letter to his wife ,but he could neither read nor write,and he had to work all day,so he could only look for somebody to write his letter late at night. At last he found the house of a letter-writer whose name was Nasreddin.
Nasreddin was already in bed. 'It is late,' he said. 'What do you want?' 'I want you to write a letter to my wife,' said Ali. Nasreddin was not pleased. He thought for a few seconds and then said, 'Has the letter got to go far?'
'What does that matter?' answered Ali.
'Well, my writing is so strange that only I can read it , and if I have to travel a long way to read your letter to your wife , it will cost you a lot of money.'
Ali went away quickly.

An old man died and left his son a lot of money.But the son was a foolish young man, and he quickly spent all the money, so that soon he had nothing left. Of course,when that happened,all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.
'My money has finished and my friends have gone,' said the young man. 'What will happen to me now?'
'Don't worry, young man,' answered Nasreddn. 'Everything will soon be all right again. Wait, and you will soon feel much happier.'
The young man was very glad. 'Am I going to get rich again then?' he asked Nasreddin.
'No, I didn't mean that,' said the old man. 'I meant that you would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends.'


The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor examined him, he said that he was 18.
But John's brother had joined the army a few days before, and the same doctor had examined him too. This doctor remembered the older boy's family name, so when he saw John's papers, he was surprised.
'How old are you?' he said.
'Eighteen, sir,' said John.
'But your brother was eighteen, too,' said the doctor. 'Are you twins?'
'Oh, no sir,' said John, and his face went red. 'My brother is five months older than I am.'


A judge was working in his room one day when a neighbour ran in and said, 'If one man's cow kills another's, is the owner of the first cow responsible?'
'It depends,' answered the judge.
'Well,' said the man, 'your cow has killed mine.'
'Oh,' answered the judge. "Everyone knows that a cow cannot think like a man, so a cow is not responsible, and that means that its owner is not responsible either.'
'I am sorry, Judge,' said the man. 'I made a mistake. I meant that my cow killed yours.'
The judge thought for a few seconds and then said, 'When I think it more carefully, this case is not as easy as I thought at first.' And then he turned to his clerk and said, 'Please bring me that big black book from the shelf behind you.'


When Nasreddin was a boy, he never did what he was told, so his father always told him to do the opposite of what he wanted him to do.
One day, when the two were bringing sacks of flour home on their donkeys, they had to cross a shallow river. When they were in the middle of it, one of the sacks on Nasreddin's donkey began to slip, so his father said, 'That sack is nearly in the water! Press down hard on it!'
His father of course expected that he would do the opposite, but this time Nasreddin did what his father had told him to do. He pressed down on the sack and it went under the water. Of course, the flour was lost.
'What have you done, Nasreddin?' his father shouted angrily.
'Well, Father', said Nasreddin, 'this time I thought that I would do just what you told me, to show you how stupid your orders always are.'


Nasreddin had lost his donkey. He was going about looking for it everywhere, and while he was looking, he was singing gaily.
One of his neighbours saw him and said, 'Hullo, Nasreddin. What are you doing?'
'I am looking for my donkey,' answered Nasreddin.
'Don't you know where it is?' asked the neighbour.
'No, I don't.'
'Then why are you singing so gaily? Usually when somebody loses something, he is sad.'
'Yes, that is quite true,' answered Nasreddin. 'But you see, I am not yet sure that my donkey is lost. My last hope is that it is behind that hill over there. If you wait a little, you will hear how I will cry and complain if it is not there!'


One winter Nasreddin had very little money. His crops had been very bad that year, and he had to live very cheaply. He gave his donkey less food, and when after two days the donkey looked just the same, he said to himself, 'The donkey was used to eating a lot. Now he is quickly getting used to eating less; and soon he will get used to living on almost nothing.'
Each day Nasreddin gave the donkey a little less food, until it was hardly eating anything.
Then one day, when the donkey was going to market with a load of wood on its back, it suddenly died. 'How unlucky I am,' said Nasreddin. 'Just when my donkey had got used to eating hardly anything, it came to the end of its days in this world.'

Have you got any...................................................................................................................................................................?快笑!!!这是个笑话!!

