展令扬越前龙马:how should you do? Give me some suggestion.

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/06/14 00:11:21
I graduated from an obscure college. To the worse, that college was science&technology-oriented, but I was majoring in English. Due to lack of teaching resource and my dislike to English,I made little progress in that fucking language and wasted my most tender and precious ages by idling around. After graduation, I found that the damned job market was so unfavorable for me that I felt I was nearly drowned by complete despair. I really wanted to walk out of the mess. Sometimes I wanted to take the examination for entrance to graduate school. However, I soon gave it up, for It was said to be so damned hard as to pass and I couldn’t make up my mind to compete with those abnormally fucking talented people. Day in and day out, I suffered the loneliness and tried to get rid of it by alcohol. I know very well that if I don’t treat my life seriously, I will taste the bitterness of it one day. How should I do?

我从一所不出名的大学毕业。糟糕的是,这所大学是科技方面的学校,但是我的专业是英语。由于缺乏教学资源和我不喜欢英语,所以我在这可恶的语言方面进步甚微,在游手好闲中浪费了我最美好、最宝贵的青春时光。毕业以后,我发现该死的求职市场是如此令人不快,以至于我几乎被失望淹没了。我真想走出这纷杂的生活。有时候我想参加研究所的入门考试,然而我很快就放弃了,因为据说通过考试非常艰难, 我不能下定决心和那些反常聪明的人去竞争。日复一日,我忍受着孤独寂寞,试图用酒精解脱自己。我非常清楚地知道如果我不能认真对待自己的生活,总有一天我将浪费掉我所付出的辛苦。我该怎么办呢?