
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/05/28 17:02:59

美国联邦调查局 (Federal Bureau of Investigation,简称FBI),是美国司法部的主要调查手段,根据美国法典第28条533款,授权司法部长”委任官员侦测反美国的罪行”,另外其它联邦的法令给予FBI权力和职责调查特定的罪行。FBI现有的调查司法权已经超过200种联邦罪行。十大通缉犯清单从1930起就已经公布于众了。


在FBI每次调查的情报资料后,递交适当的美国律师或者美国司法部官员,由他们决定是否批准起诉或其它行动。其中五大影响社会的方面享有最高优先权: 反暴行,毒品/有组织犯罪,外国反间谍活动,暴力犯罪,和白领阶层犯罪。

FBI曾经有不纯的历史, 即支持法律, 有时候又破坏它. 但在大多数美国人的通常印象里:它是打击罪行最有效的机构. 专门特务的人员每年都在增长,现在已经超过11,000名成员. 大多数专门特务驻在外国, 作为大使法律随员在美国使馆工作, FBI自称为: “LEGATS”.

Director Robert Mueller and the FBI
On September 4, 2001, Robert S. Mueller, III became the 6th Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Since the tragic events of September 11, 2001, one week into his term, he became responsible for spearheading what is perhaps the most extensive reorganization the FBI has experienced since its conception. By May 2002, he articulated ten top FBI priorities: protecting the U.S. from terrorist attacks, from foreign intelligence operations, and from cyber-based attacks and high-technology crimes; combating public corruption at all levels; protecting civil rights; combating international and national organized crime, major white-collar crime, and significant violent crime; supporting our law enforcement and intelligence partners; and upgrading FBI technology. "While we remain committed to our other important national security and law enforcement responsibilities, the prevention of terrorism takes precedence in our thinking and planning; in our hiring and staffing; in our training and technologies; and, most importantly, in our investigations," Director Mueller has said.

In speaking about the FBI, he stated: "We have the best investigators in the world in this institution and some of the best people here at headquarters that carry me. The challenge is to get them the tools that they need to become even better. And that is what we are working on... The joy of it is that you are doing it for the country, you are doing it for other FBI agents, you are doing it for the community, and you are doing it for the people. That is tremendously rewarding."
