
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/06/06 11:08:43

腊八这一天有吃腊八粥的习俗,腊八粥也叫七宝五味粥。我国喝腊八粥的历史,已有一千多年。最早开始于宋代。每逢腊八这一天,不论是朝廷、官府、寺院还是黎民百姓家都要做腊八粥。到了清朝,喝腊八粥的风俗更是盛行。在宫廷,皇帝、皇后、皇子等都要向文武大臣、侍从宫女赐腊八粥,并向各个寺院发放米、果等供僧侣食用。在民间,家家户户也要做腊八粥,祭祀祖先;同时,合家团聚在一起食用,馈赠亲朋好友。中国各地腊八粥的花样,争奇竞巧,品种繁多。其中以北平的最为讲究,搀在白米中的物品较多,如红枣、莲子、核桃、栗子、杏仁、松仁、桂圆、榛子、葡萄、白果、菱角、青丝、玫瑰、红豆、花生……总计不下二十种。人们在腊月初七的晚上,就开始忙碌起来,洗米、泡果、拨皮、去核、精拣然后在半夜时分开始煮,再用微火炖,一直炖到第二天的清晨,腊八粥才算熬好了。 更为讲究的人家,还要先将果子雕刻成人形、动物、花样,再放在锅中煮。比较有特色的就是在腊八粥中放上果狮。果狮是用几种果子做成的狮形物,用剔去枣核烤干的脆枣作为狮身,半个核桃仁作为狮头,桃仁作为狮脚,甜杏仁用来作狮子尾巴。然后用糖粘在一起,放在粥碗里,活像头小狮子。如果碗较大,可以摆上双狮或是四头小狮子。更讲究的,就是用枣泥、豆沙、山药、山楂糕等具备各种颜色的食物,捏成八仙人、老寿星、罗汉像。这种装饰的腊八粥,只有在以前的大寺庙的供桌上才可以见到。腊八粥熬好之后,要先敬神祭祖。之后要赠送亲友,一定要在中午之前送出去。最后才是全家人食用。吃剩的腊八粥,保存着吃了几天还有剩下来的,却是好兆头,取其年年有余的意义。如果把粥送给穷苦的人吃,那更是为自己积德。腊八粥在民间还有巫术的作用。假如院子里种着花卉和果树,也要在枝干上涂抹一些腊八粥,相信来年多结果实。腊八这一天,除了祭祖敬神外,还有悼念亡国、寄托哀思。

Rice porridge
Cured eight are besides offering a sacrifice to an ancestor and offering the god activity, people will chase the epidemic disease. The activity stem from ancient Nuo (ancient to drive spirit avoid ceremony of epidemic disease ). One of the medical methods of prehistoric age drives spirit's disease of curing promptly. The ones that beat a drum and drove epidemic disease on the twelfth month as witchcraft sorcery activity are vulgar , the area of taking newly in Hunan etc. retains today.

There is custom of eating the rice porridge cured eight this days, the rice porridge calls the five flavours gruel of seven treasure too. Our country drinks history of the rice porridge, has had more than 1,000 years already. Begin with Song to take the place of first. When cured one, no matter imperial court , local authorities , monastery or the common people's family all want to cook the rice porridge. By Qing Dynasty, the custom of drinking the rice porridge prevailed especially. In the palace, sons of emperor , queen , emperor ,etc. should all grant the rice porridge to the civil and military maids of honour of minister , attendant , and grant rice , fruit ,etc. and for monks to eat to each monastery . Among the people, a family of family's home should cook the rice porridge too , offer sacrifices to the ancestor; Meanwhile , shut family's reunion to eat together , present to relatives and friends. The style of the rice porridge all over China, strive very to compete skillfully, various in style. Among them the one of Bei Ping is the most exquisite , there are more articles mixed in the rice, such as red date , lotus seeds , walnut , chestnut , almond , pine nut , longan , fibert , grape , gingko , water caltrop , black hair , rose , ormosia , peanut ¡­¡­20 kinds under total . People in will it be the seventh day the twelfth month evening , become busy , wash rice , steep fruit , set aside skin , go core , precise to choose then begin to boil in the time of at midnight, stew with little fire and then, stew to second day early morning, the rice porridge has been calculated and endured . More exquisite household, also want and carve adult's shape , animal , style of the fruit first , and then put in the pan and boil. The more characteristic one is to put the fruit lion in the rice porridge. The fruit lion is a lion shape thing made of several kinds of fruits, as lion's body with the fragile date picking the date core and drying, half a piece of walnut-meat, as lion's head, the peach kernel, as lion's foot, the sweet almond is used for lion's tail. Then glue and stay together with the candy, put yes gruel bowl li, look exactly like the little lion of head. If the bowl is relatively big, can lay out one pair of lions or four little lions . More exquisite, it is to use the food with various kinds of colors , such as jujube paste , sweetened bean paste , Chinese yam , haw jelly ,etc., pinch into eight celestial beings , Chinese Methuselah , arhat and look like. The rice porridge of this kind of ornament, have only can just see on the altar in the large former temple. The rice porridge is boiled to offer the god and offer a sacrifice to an ancestor first well. It must send out before noon to later should present relatives and friends. It is the whole family that eat finally. Uneaten rice porridge, is it is it have left to come a few days to take to keep, but kind sign, fetch its meaning of having enough and to spare every year in year. If eat the gruel for the poverty-stricken person, that accumulates virtue for oneself even more. The rice porridge is on the folk function of having witchcraft sorcery. If the flowers and fruit tree are being planted in the courtyard, daub some rice porridge in one is done, believe that form more fruit the coming year. Cured eight this days, besides offering a sacrifice to an ancestor and offering the god , still mourn for and cause a state to perish , give expression to one's grief over sb's death.

腊八粥---eight-treasure porridge