
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/06/06 09:31:39

fancy 是幻想力,空想的意思.
没看过作名字,要的话也只可作女的. Fanny 则是一个女性名字.


The name Fancy creates the urge to be creative and original, but we point out that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses centring in the head, and in the stomach and intestinal organs.

Your first name of Fancy has given you a very practical, hard-working, systematic nature.

Your interests are focused on technical, mechanical, and scientific things, rather than interests of an artistic, musical, or social nature.

You have a rather skeptical outlook on life and rather materialistic standards.

In reaching your goals, you are very independent and resourceful, patient and determined.

You can be so very positive and definite in your own ideas and opinions that others sense a lack of tact and friendliness in your manner of expression.
Although the name Fancy creates the urge to be creative and original, we emphasize that it limits your versatility and scope, tuning you to technical details.

This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses and accidents to the head, and the elimination system.

Your first name of Fancy has made you a hard worker with a meticulous sense of detail.

You have a great deal of patience and independence, and you can be relied upon to complete your undertakings.

You could be inventive along scientific or practical lines.

You are stable, trustworthy, homeloving, and logical in practical matters, but rather unresponsive to suggestions from others.

You resist change.

幻想。(Perhaps a form of FANNY influenced by the English word fancy.)
