武则天艳史李丽英演:歌曲the end of the world 歌词与简介

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/05/14 01:16:39

It's Only the End of the World

It's only the end of the world
Not a death in the family
We've seen all the best sights, been on all the best rides
At the amusement park-on Saturday
We got tongue-tied, after all the best fights
Stuff that's too boring to trash, it's classless and crass
It's only the end of the world

Since the circus left town
We've been seen kicking round
And now every caress, is some cul-de-sac
We've already been down
We're just moving our lips, making the sound
The ground is still spinning, but it's slowing down
It's only the end of the world

Where is the love?

Satellites break up in the atmosphere
Our ashes are scattered in space
All of the answers fall into place
It's only the end of the world

Since the circus left town
The world just stopped spinning round
We've seen all the prize fires the Sunday gun-fighters
With their heads hanging down
We just go were the money goes
Your hands turn to dust, the magic is lost
It's only the end of the world

Where is the love?

It's only the end of the world
It's only the end of the world
The end of the world
The end of the world
The end of the world
The end of the world

会有失重的错觉,听它离奇的伴奏,毒药般欲罢不能。The end of the world. The end of the world. The end of the world. 美丽至死的词汇,哭泣至死,拜跪至死,这样让我无能为力的词汇。撕裂一切的词汇。The end of the world. 它们精灵般跃出她的喉,脚尖轻点着泥土几下便凑上我的鼻尖。我嗅到它们沾惹的尘埃我触到它们冰凉冰凉的肌肤我看见它们呼啸而过的凛冽表情我听见它们攀附在我耳边轻柔地呢喃。

See u in the end of the world, my faith, my hope, and my love...

The end of the world - Skeeter Davis
歌曲:The end of the world
艺人:Skeeter Davis
专辑∶The end of the world

几位出色的男乡村艺人之后,让我们来聆听一下Skeeter Davis纯真的嗓音,对于这个已有些陌生的名字,或许会有人问:"她是谁?是乡村艺人吗......?" 这位曾跨界而今已默默无闻的歌手,虽已于去年离开世间,但在乡村大家庭里应永有她的一席之地.遥想出道之初,作为Davis Sisters二重组的成员之一,她本该有大的发展,无奈造化弄人,徒留遗憾!其中故事限于篇幅,就此打住.

这首63年乡村及流行排行榜双料亚军的歌曲,(Cashbox 年终冠军)据说原是作者为怀念亡父写就,虽是流行曲风,但由Skeeter Davis演唱,却赋予其不同的生命,在键盘连绵的三连音中,少女诉说着无助的哀愁,全曲流畅而抒情.声部和音亦来自歌者本人。近半个世纪过去了,当耳畔重又响起她纯真而略显生涩的歌声,您听到了什么?失恋的故事还是对于生命的叹息?我珍爱此歌,如上所述并不在歌曲的本身,而在于歌者所带来的气息,这听上去多少有些"痴人说梦"!但于我却是真切的!如同微微风中远野的芬芳...... <123hank>

Why does the sun go on shining?
Why does the sea rush to shore?
Don't they know it's the end of the world
'Cause you don't love me anymore?

Why do the birds go on singing?
Why do the starts glow above?
Don't they know it's the end of the world
It ended when I lost your love

I wake up in the morning and I wonder
Why everything is the same as it was
I can't understand, no, I can't understand
How life goes on the way it does!

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine crying?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said goodbye

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine crying?
Don't they know it's the end of the world?
It ended when you said goodbye




