
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/05/09 13:43:03

D:Once upon a time, there was a little girl called Goldilocks. She lived near a big forest. She was very poor. One day, she walked in the forest and picked some flowers.
C:(哼鬼子进村)How beautiful the flowers are!(跳着舞采花、玩蝴蝶,然后用菜篮子装着许多鲜花)
D:Soon she was lost She looked around her.
C:How can I leave the forest?(转着身子,迷茫着的,有一点要哭的样子)
D:Then she noticed a little house. She hurried to the house to ask where she was. She knocked on the door.
C:(敲门)Anyone home? It seems no man in the room.
D:Nobody answered, so she pushed the door. It was open. Goldilocks looked inside and listened. There was no one there, so she entered the house. Goldilocks looked into a small room.
C:(伸着脖子四处张望着)Ah! So much food on that table!
D:On a table, she counted three bowls with some nice food in them. One bowl was small, one was big and one was very big. Goldilocks was very hungry. She picked up the biggest bowl but she didn’t like it—it was very hot. Then she picked up the big bowl, but she didn’t like it—it was cold. The little bowl was good.
C:(被热的碗烫到一惊的样子以及被冷的食物吓住的样子)Which bowl of food should I grab? This one is better!
D:She finished all the food in it. Next Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired. The two chairs were uncomfortable. She didn’t like them, so she tried the smallest chair.
C:This chair is so pretty, let me have a sit.
(马 四手着地,C像跳山羊一样的打算跳过去,嗷的一声,马趴在地上)
C:Dear, you are not strong enough.。
D:Goldilocks was very heavy and she destroyed it and she was unhappy and tired. She walked into the bedroom. There were three beds. She didn’t like the two big beds. The smallest bed was very comfortable.
C:I am sleepy, let me sleep a while.(打了一个哈欠,躺在了椅子上。其中有掉下来、打呼噜、说梦话等情节,自由发挥)
D:Very soon she was asleep in it.
场景设置:A正对所有人,举牌:Bears’ home
D:The three bears returned.
G:(头戴鲜花,摆pose)one two three four胃必治!
D: They looked at the bowls and the chairs. He was very unhappy!
G:(吓了一跳的样子,看到马欣,抱着它大哭起来,很可爱的哭)My chair, why are you broken?
(又看到了碗里面的食物没有了,很可爱的哭)My rice, why are you so little?
(唱起了小白菜)Her son is gone, the pity of Xiaobaicai(译文:小白菜呀,没了娘呀! )
E、F:My baby, what’s wrong with you?
G:(泣不成声的样子)There’s nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!
F:(搂着C)Oh, my baby, don’t worry……
E:(推开F)Let me try. (轻轻安慰C)My pretty baby, do not cry, do not cry....
D:The bears looked in their bedroom. They didn’t notice Goldilocks at first.
G:(被E、F搀扶着,突然,他发现了C)Look! There’s the naughty girl!
C:(此时G正在离C很近的地方凶神恶煞的看着她,C睁开双眼,吓了一跳)Dear, run away!
B:one two three four(然后举起G的胳膊,对观众说) He is the winner!(将花环戴在G的脖子上,最后与C一起,拖着C到床上)
E、F:What’s your name? How old are you? Why do you lay on our bed? Why do you eat our food? Who is your mother? Who is your father? Where do you live?……
C:They all died.(哭了起来)
E、F、C:I think you are a most pitiful girl.
E、F、C:Let's live together.
D:Everyone loved goldilocks very much. So they sang and danced together and felt extremely happy. Then they lived a happy life.
所有人:Think you~!~!~!
