
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/05/12 14:35:46
Dim strProviderName(10) As String
Dim intPNLength As Integer

Private Sub btnAdd_Click()
Dim sql As String
Dim cmdInsertProvider As ADODB.Command

sql = "insert into Provider values(" & "'" & txtProviderID.Text & "'," & _
"'" & txtProviderName.Text & "'," & _
"'" & txtPhone.Text & "'," & _
"'" & Address.Text & "'," & _
"'" & txtMemo.Text & "'" & ")"

Set cmdInsertProvider = New ADODB.Command
cmdInsertProvider.ActiveConnection = frmMain.conn
cmdInsertProvider.CommandText = sql
cmdInsertProvider.CommandType = adCmdText

showProvider ("select * from Provider")
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
intPNLength = 0
BSE1.SchemeStyle = 12
showProvider ("select * from Provider")
End Sub

Public Function getID(ByVal strID As String) As String
getID = ""
Dim intI As Integer
intI = 1
For intI = 1 To 3 - Len(CStr(CInt(strID) + 1))
getID = getID + "0"
getID = getID + CStr(CInt(strID) + 1)
End Function

Public Sub setClear()
Me.txtProviderID.Text = getID(Me.txtProviderID.Text)
Me.txtProviderName.Text = ""
Me.txtPhone.Text = ""
Me.txtAddress.Text = ""
Me.txtMemo = ""
End Sub
Private Sub showProvider(ByVal sql As String)
Dim colNo As Integer

'set the edit relative attribute
dgProvider.AllowAddNew = False
dgProvider.AllowArrows = False
dgProvider.AllowDelete = False
dgProvider.AllowDelete = False

'Make sur there are only 5 colums in the DataGrid,set Header and colums font
For colNo = dgProvider.Columns.Count To 4
dgProvider.Columns.Add (colNo)
Next colNo
Dim xf As New StdFont
xf.Name = "宋体"
xf.Size = 12
Set dgProvider.HeadFont = xf
Set dgProvider.Font = xf

'set datasource for the datagrid
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
frmMain.conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
Set rs = frmMain.conn.Execute(sql)
Set dgProvider.DataSource = rs

'set colum header,column waidth for each colum
Dim captions()
Dim dataFields()
Dim width()
Caption = Array("供应商编号", "供应商名称", "供应商联系电话", "供应商地址", "供应商说明")
dataFields = Array("ProviderID", "ProviderName", "Phone", "Address", "Memo")
width = Array(1440, 2800, 2000, 2800, 2880)
For colNo = 0 To 4
dgProvider.Columns(colNo).Caption = captions(colNo)
dgProvider.Columns(colNo).DataField = dataFields(colNo)
dgProvider.Columns(colNo).width = width(colNo)
Next colNo
End Sub


你引用了VB的ADO类库文件没有,在VB菜单中选择工程中的引用,在弹出窗口中找到Microsoft Activex Data Objects 2.x ,这里的X可以是5,6,7,8等,一般我们选择最新的库Microsoft Activex Data Objects 2.8,如果没有2.8版本的,就选择你自己计算机上的最新的库。打上钩,确定。