
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/04/29 06:07:36
《小妇人》讲述的是马奇一家的故事。家里有四姐妹:追求高贵但会照顾人的大姐梅格,充满躁动却关心家人的二姐乔,优雅自私却颇得人爱的艾美以及忘我无私却需要家里人的贝思。她们的母亲是慈祥的马奇太太,父亲马奇先生随军当兵。这样的一家人和她们的邻居男孩劳里、劳里的爷爷劳伦斯先生、马奇婶婶,以及周围的朋友所发生的如家庭日记般简单的故事,却流露着耐人寻味的亲情、友情、爱情。书中展示的是一幅幅温馨甜美的家庭生活图景,歌颂了永恒的爱情,打动了无数读者的心。 作者路易莎的父亲因为沉迷于对理想的追求,以至生活重担落入母亲和她手中,生活十分辛苦,马奇一家正是她家生活投影,但现实中路易莎一家的经济状况远不如马奇一家。我想,书中男孩劳里经常帮助马奇一家,也正是路易莎希望现实中也有一位男性可以挑起她家的生活重担,饱含着这一美好愿望,她把自己变成了书中和男孩劳里成为好朋友的乔。 整本书可以说是马奇家四姐妹和男孩劳里的成长历程。在这个过程中,他们都更懂得了身边的亲情、友情、爱情,更理智地对待它们。乔是一个假小子,喜欢创作、写诗,她喜欢劳里,但这是纯真的友情,她想让梅格嫁给劳里,后来又想让艾美、贝思嫁给他,乔认为他们很般配,最后劳里向她吐露爱意时,她才发现,挡在中间的是自己,应该尽快把自己处理掉。于是她选择了逃避,而待她成长起来了,懂得并渴望爱情时,却永远失去了劳里;贝思最宁静,默默为大家做事,为了帮助别人,染上了猩红热,乃至付出生命,她的一生都在为别人着想,深受家人爱戴,面对她的死,所有人都伤心欲绝。我想,即使是一个最自私的人,也会为之痛惜;梅格为家负担,外出作家教,虽然她喜欢追求高贵虚荣,但最后,她放弃了马奇婶婶的遗产,嫁给了清贫的布鲁克先生,过着苦中带甜的幸福生活。艾美想作淑女,追求艺术,但一直喜欢和假小子乔吵吵闹闹。后来,她去了世界各国学习,扶弱助贫,变得成熟稳重了,最后,和劳里建立了爱情。 这便是善良仁爱的马奇一家,她们一起为家庭负担,坚强独立,选择属于自己的生活道路。可以说她们渐渐成熟了,她们的心灵始终是美好的——不管是当初为伙伴写诗的心,为小姐妹的死而流泪的心,而是现在收获的心。 书中有许多感人肺腑的话语: 贝思患病危在旦夕时,马奇姐妹在祈祷: “如果上帝赐给贝思一条生路,我一定不再抱怨。”梅格虔诚低语。 “如果上帝赐给贝思一条生路,我一定爱他敬他,终生做他的奴仆。”乔说。 艾美伤心地哭了,假如失去温柔可爱的姐姐,即使有一千个一万个绿松石戒指,也不能给她带来安慰啊! 乔交到巴尔教授这个朋友后说:“嗯,冬天过去了,我一本书都没写,也没有发财,但是我交到了一个很值得相处的朋友,我要努力一辈子享有他的友谊。” 乔拒绝了劳里,劳里说:“哦,乔,难道你不能?……” 乔说:“特迪,亲爱的,我真希望能……” 我将这些对话都圈划了下来,总是想回味一下,之所以觉得这本书值得推荐,是因为《小妇人》这本书充满了人性美,是每个人心灵至深处的东西。看着书中人的成长,我们也可以试着正确地处理身边的亲情、友情、爱情,感受一下同龄人的喜怒哀乐,感受一下人性美,书中的事也都发生在我们周围。关于爱,其实很复杂,有朋友之爱,亲人之爱,长幼之敬爱。这本书将告诉我们如何怀着一颗收获的心体会,感受并对待它们,并且试着像马奇一家一样,为了这些爱,变得更坚强独立

"Little Women" narrates is an equestrian story. In the family has four sisters: But pursues noblly can look after the human Sister Meg, the fill moves restlessly cared about actually the family member two elder sister Qiao, the graceful selfish quite person loves actually the Chinese mugwort beautiful as well as absorbed selfless needs the family member actually Beth. Their mother is gentle equestrian wife, father equestrian gentleman accompanies the armed forces to become a soldier. In such whole family and their neighbor boy work, work Grandpa Mr. Lawrence, the equestrian aunt, as well as the periphery friend occurs like the family diary simple story, is revealing the thought-provoking dear ones, the friendship, love actually. In the book demonstrates is a warm delightful family life prospect, eulogized the eternal love, has moved the innumerable reader's heart. Because the author Louisa's father sinks confuses in to the ideal pursue, down to the life heavy burden falls in the mother and her hand, the life is extremely laborious, equestrian one is precisely her family lives the projection, but in the reality a Louisa financial circumstance is inferior to equestrian one far. I thought in that, in the book the boy works helps equestrian one frequently, also is precisely Louisa hoped in the reality also has a male to be possible to provoke her family's life heavy burden, is being full of this happy desire in, she turned oneself the book neutral boy to work becomes the friend Qiao. The entire this book may in say is the equestrian four sisters and the boy works the growth course. In this process, they had all understood side dear ones, the friendship, love, the reason treats them. Qiao is a tomboy, likes creating, composing a poem in, she likes working, but this is the pure friendship in, she wants to let Meg marry for works, afterwards wanted to let Ai Mei, Beth marry to him, Qiao thought they were a match very much in, finally worked to her revealed when loved Italy, she only then discovered, kept off middle in is oneself, should process as soon as possible oneself. Therefore she has chosen the escape, but waited her to grow, understood and longed for when love in, forever lost actually has worked; Beth is tranquilest, works silently for everybody, in order to help others, caught scarlet fever, and even pays the life, her life all in considers for others, is loved deeply the family member, facing hers death, all people all dies by heartbreak. I thought, even if is a most selfish person, also can deeply regret for it; Meg bears for the family, egresses makes the family education, although she likes pursuing the noble vanity, but finally, she gave up the equestrian aunt's inheritance, married for impoverished Mr. Brucker, painstakingly belt sweet happy life. Ai Mei wants to be the virtuous young woman, pursue art, but likes with tomboy Qiao being noisy continuously. Afterwards, she has gone to the various countries study, holds helps weakly poorly, became maturely has been steady in, finally, with worked has established love. This then is good benevolence equestrian one, they are the family responsibilities together, strong independent, the choice belongs to own life path. May say they have been gradually mature, their mind is throughout happy - - no matter were initially the heart which composed a poem for the partner, burst into tears the heart for the little sisters' death, but was the heart which the present harvests. In the book has many deeply moving words: Beth is sick when is on the verge of death, the equestrian sisters were praying: “If God bestows a Beth way out, I certainly no longer complain.”Meg whispers devotionally. “If God bestows a Beth way out, I like certainly him respecting him, is him life-long the servant.”Qiao said. Ai Mei has cried sadly, if loses the gentle lovable elder sister, even if has 1000 10,000 turquoise rings, also cannot bring the comfort to her! After Qiao hands over Professor Barr this friend to say that,“Mmm, has passed in the winter, my book all has not written, also has not gotten rich, but I have handed over the friend who is worth being together very much, I must for a lifetime enjoy his friendship diligently.” In Qiao refused to work, in the fatigue said: “Oh, Qiao, can't you? ......” Qiao said that,“Enlightens especially, dear, I really hoped could ......” I delimit these dialogue all circle down, always thought the aftertaste, the reason that thought this book was worth recommending, was because "Little Women" this book filled the human nature to be beautiful, was each person mind to the deep place thing. Looked writes books human's growth, we also may try to process side dear ones, the friendship, love correctly, feels contemporaries' laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness, feels human nature America, in the book matter also all occurs around us. About the love, very is actually complex, has love of the friend, love of the family member, respecting and loving of the old and young. How will this book tell us to harbor a harvest the heart to realize that, will feel and treats them, and will be trying likely an equestrian dissimilarity, for these loves, will become a stronger independence(把分给我哦,绝对正确)

Little Women "narrates is an equestrian story. In the family has foursisters: Pursues noblly but can look after the person Sister Meg,fills moves restlessly actually cared about the family member twoelder sisters tall, the graceful selfish actually quite person love AiMei as well as is absorbed selflessly actually needs in the family theperson 贝思. Their mother is gentle equestrian wife, fatherequestrian gentleman accompanies the armed forces to become a soldier.In such whole family and their neighbor boy work, works Grandpa Mr.Lawrence, the equestrian aunt, as well as the periphery friend occurslike the family diary simple story, actually is revealing thethought-provoking dear ones, the friendship, the love. In the bookdemonstrates is a warm delightful family life prospect, eulogized theeternal love, has moved the innumerable readers' heart. The authorLouisa's father because sinks confuses to the ideal pursue, down tothe life heavy burden falls in the mother and her hand, the life isextremely laborious, equestrian is precisely her family lives theprojection, but in the reality a Louisa economical condition far isinferior to equestrian. I thought in that, in the book the boy worksfrequently helps equestrian, also is precisely Louisa hoped in thereality also has a male to be allowed to provoke her family's lifeheavy burden, is being full of this happy desire in, she turnedoneself in the book and the boy works becomes tall the friend. Theentire this book may in say is the equestrian four sisters and the boyworks the growth course. In this process, they had all understood theside dear ones, the friendship, the love, the reason treats them. Tallis a tomboy, likes creating, composing a poem in, she likes working,but this is the pure friendship in, she wants to let Meg marry forworks, afterwards wanted to let Ai Mei, 贝思 marry for him, tallthought they were a match very much in, finally worked to her revealedwhen loved Italy, she only then discovered, kept off middle in isoneself, should process as soon as possible oneself. Thereupon shechose has evaded, but waited her to grow, understood when and hopelove in, actually forever lost has worked; 贝思 is tranquilest,silently works for everybody, in order to help the others, caught thescarlet fever, and even pays the life, her life all in considers forthe others, deeply is loved the family member, facing hers death, allpeople all dies by heartbreak. I thought, even if is a most selfishperson, also can deeply regret for it; Meg bears for the family,egresses makes the family education, although she likes pursuing thenoble vanity, but finally, she gave up the equestrian aunt'sinheritance, married for impoverished Mr. Brucker, painstakinglycenter belt sweet happy life. Ai Mei wants to be the virtuous youngwoman, pursue art, but continuously likes with the tomboy tall beingnoisy. Afterwards, she has gone to the various countries study, holdsweakly helps poorly, changed maturely steadily in, finally, withworked has established the love. This then is good benevolenceequestrian, they are the family responsibilities together, strong isindependent, the choice belongs to own life path. May say they havebeen gradually mature, their mind throughout is happy - no matter wereinitially the heart which composed a poem for the partner, burst intotears the heart for the little sisters' death, but was the heart whichthe present harvests. In the book has many deeply moving words: 贝思is sick when is on the verge of death, the equestrian sisters werepraying: "If God bestows for 贝思 a way out, I certainly no longercomplain." Meg reverently whispers. "If God bestows for 贝思 a wayout, I certainly like him respecting him, life-long is him theservant." Tall said. The Chinese mugwort beautifully sadly has cried,if loses the gentle lovable elder sister, even if has 1,000 10,000turquoises rings, also cannot bring the comfort to her! After tallmakes Professor Barr this friend to say that, "Mmm, has winter passed,an my book has not all written, also has not gotten rich, but I madethe friend which was worth being together very much, I had diligentlyfor a lifetime to enjoy his friendship." In tall refused to work, inthe fatigue said: "Oh, tall, can't you? ... ... " Tall said that,"Especially enlightens, dear, I really hope to be able... ... " I haveall delimited these dialogue circles down, always thinks aftertaste,therefore thought this book is worth recommending, is because "LittleWomen" this book filled the human nature to be beautiful, was eachperson mind to the deep place thing. Looks in the book person'sgrowth, we also may try correctly to process the side the dear ones,the friendship, the love, feels contemporaries' laughter, anger,sorrow, and happiness, feels a servant America, in the book matteralso all occurs around us. About the love, very is actually complex,has love of the friend, love of the family member, respecting andloving of the old and young. How will this book tell us to cherish aharvest heart to realize that, will feel and treats them, and will tryto like an equestrian dissimilarity, for these loves, will change astronger independence
