
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/06/03 10:49:15
游戏中的声音好象是 杯 the way

是一个词: fadeaway

A fadeaway in basketball is a jump shot while jumping backwards, away from the basket. The goal is to create space between the shooter and the defender, making it much harder to block. However, this benefit comes with a drawback. The shooter must have very good accuracy (much higher than when releasing a regular jump shot) and must use more strength (to counteract the backwards momentum) in a relatively short amount of time. However, once mastered, it is one of the hardest methods of shooting for defenders to block.

Michael Jordan has one of the deadliest fadeaway jumper in history, and many players use it regularly today. Another excellent fadeaway jumper (although not as skilled as Jordan) was Larry Bird. In the modern era, Kobe Bryant is considered to be perhaps the deadliest fadeaway shooter in the NBA.

Fade away:其实是fade away shot---后仰跳投,只不过省略了“shot”读起来更顺口.这是投篮里面一个比较高的境界,是用来防止球被对方球员盖的一种有效措施。在NBA里面经常可以看见这样的跳投,而平时能见识到,确实会让人眼前一亮,这样的投篮即有姿式又有实际,确实需要有一定的功底的。