海尔冰柜如何调节温度:帮我翻译一下 谢谢

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/04/29 13:21:03
不用太准确也可以的 谢谢了


(1) 其本人的居民身份证、户口簿 ( 社会福利机构作为送养人的,应当提交其负责人的身份证件 ) 、被收养人的情况证明;
(2) 被收养人的生父母 ( 包括已经离婚的 ) 为送养成人的,应当提交生父母双方同意送养的书面意见;
(3) 被收养人的生父或生母因丧偶或者下落不明,由单方送养的,应当提交配偶死亡或者下落不明的证明及死亡的或者下落不明的配偶的父母不行使优先抚养权的证明;
(4) 被收养人的父母均不具备完全民事行为能力,由被收养人的监护人作送养人的,应当提交本人有监护权的证明和被收养人的父母不具备完全民事行为能力、并对被收养人有严重危害的证明;
(5) 被收养人的父母均已死亡,由被收养人的监护人作为送养人的, 应当提交其生父母的死亡证明、本人有监护权的证明,以及其他有抚养义务的人同意送养的书面意见;
(6) 由社会福利机构作为送养人的,应当提交社会福利机构出具的弃婴、弃儿被遗弃和发现的情况证明以及查找其父母或者其他监护人情况证明;被收养人是孤儿的,应当提交孤儿的父母死亡或者宣告死亡证明,以及有抚养孤儿义务的其他人同意送养的书面意见;
(7) 送养残疾儿童的,应当提交县级以上医院出具的残疾证明。

Foreigner the children which adopts in China deliver raise the person to have to China to adopt the organization to provide which to prove
the material?

Delivers raises the children to deliver raises the person to be supposed to adopt the organization to China to provide the following
proof material:

(1) its myself resident identification card, the resident register (social welfare organization achievement delivers raises person, must submit its person in charge's status credential),by adopter the situation proof;
(including is already divorced) by adpter the fresh parents for delivers fosters the person, must submit the written opinion which the fresh parents mutual consent delivers raises;
because loses one's spouse or the whereabouts by adopter the father or the birth mother is unclear, delivers by the folk remedy raises, must submit the spouse to die or the whereabouts unclear proof and the death or the whereabouts unclear spouse's parents does not exercise first fosters the power the proof;
is not had by adopter the parents the completely civil capacity, by does by adopter the guardian delivers raises the person, must submit myself to have the right of guardianship the proof and is not had by adopter the parents the completely civil capacity, and to is had by
adopter the serious harm the proof; (5) had died by adopter the parents, by is delivered by adopter the guardian achievement raises
the person, must submit his/her the fresh parents' death proof, myself has the right of guardianship the proof, and all that have the foster duty the person agreed delivers raises the written opinion;
delivers by the social welfare organization achievement raises the person, must submit the abandoned baby, the abandoned baby which the
social welfare organization writes up is abandoned and the discovery situation proved as well as searches his/her parents or other guardian situation proofs; By adopter is the orphan, must submit the orphan the parents to die or the announcement death proof, as well as has other people which fosters the orphan duty to agree delivers raises the written opinion; (7) delivers raises the children with
disabilities, must submit the disabled proof which the county levelabove hospital writes up.

Well, if anywhere wrong please correct me, cos i am 16 to be exct. hehe... Gosh!! i am exhausted.........

it's so difficulty.(这个单词写得对不对啊:)

you are sucking

crazy question

I don't know !It's so difficulty