
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/04/28 16:24:27
Nancy Chen
Dear Editors,Thank you very much for selecting an excerpt from"A letter From An Unknow Woman"in the Decenber Editon.And it inspined me to write an article of the similiar experience.Thanks for reading.
To Muqiao,a familiar stranger:
I don't know if this is a good time to wirte this to you.I had loved you for a very long time.That peried was the best of times and the worst of times in the 22years,45days,12hours and 55minutes of my life.It was a time of poignant hope and devouring despair,of overwhelming ecstasy and my own alone...It was this courage and try to trespass into your life.Your response was surprisingly calm,rational,and in a none-of-my business style...How can I be mistaken;how can I be misled;and how can I be worng,with all the instinct and intuition of a girl who plunged into love for the first time in her life,with all the reassuring looks you gave me when we bumped into each other on the campus...However,I do accept one mistake I have made and have to correct it.It is not that "I had loved you"as I said in the beginning of this article;it should be"I have loved you and I still do..."

亲爱的Editors,谢谢选择节录from"A 信件从Unknow Woman"in Decenber Editon 。并且它inspined 我写similiar 经验的文章。感谢读书。
我不知道如果这是好时光对wirte 这对您。我爱您非常久时间。那peried 是最佳时期和最坏时期在我的生活22years 、45days 、12hours 和55minutes 。这是伤感希望和吞食的绝望的时期,巨大销魂和我自己单独...这是这次勇气和尝试侵入入您的生活。您的反应是惊奇镇静的,合理,并且在无我的企业样式...怎么可能I 弄错;怎么可能I 误引;并且怎么可能I 是worng,以第一次浸入入爱在她的生活中女孩的所有天性和直觉,以所有再保险神色您给了我当我们碰到了彼此在校园...但是,我接受我犯和必须改正它的一个错误。不是"我爱you"as I 说在这篇文章起点;它如果be"I 爱您并且我仍然..."