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来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/04/29 18:03:50
在有150年营销史的西方,在大众媒体(特别是电视媒体)投放巨额广告的形式,已然落伍。而在只有25年营销史的中国,在这个巨大而复杂的特定市场,以中央电视台为代表的强势大众媒体,仍然叫好叫座。只不过,小众媒体的力量正在崛起,挑战者正在举起精细化的大旗。 企业应如何更为有效地架设与公众之间沟通的桥梁?目标营销立足于市场细分基础上的目标群体,根据目标群体的需求特点有针对性地提供适当的产品和服务,这种营销方式更为"有的放矢"、传播效果相比较而言被认为更为理想

媒体沟通 目标受众 细分市场 媒体选择

In has 150 years marketing history the west, (specially is television media) puts in the large amount advertisement in the populace media the form, already fell behind. But in only has 25 years marketing history China, in this giant and complex specific market, take the Central Committee Television as representative's populace media, still applauded attracts a large audience. But, the small numerous media strength is rising, how is Challenger lifting the fine flag enterprise to be supposed effectively to erect the bridge which links up with the public between? The goal marketing bases to the market subdivides in the foundation the goal community, has according to the goal community's demand characteristic pointed provides the suitable product and the service, this marketing way.
The media ditch catches Goal audiences Subdivides the market Media choice

media communication
target audience
subdivision market
media choice